Seasonal Differences.


Sorry, I took so long to write to you.

The season’s changed now, it’s cold and it snows.

Why haven’t you returned my calls?

It snows now so with every frost flake slowly falling to the ground, so did my expectations.

See, you left when the sun was shining, the radiance filled your smile, the warmness of your embrace was constantly complemented by heat waves reminding you of what we had. You promised to return.

It snows now so with every frost flake slowly falling to the ground, so did my expectations of you to keep that promise.

Do you remember how content you were during autumn?

As the leaves fell, you smiled, so what has changed now?

Was it that what remained on the ground could never return back to its natural state, but regardless of that you knew about the risk you’ll take, you smiled through it all.

But now as I look out of this frosted window, all I’m reminded of is what should have been, things we should have seen, places we should have gone, dreams we should have lived, was it my fault?

Nonetheless, I hope wherever you are, you find happiness beyond measure because I’m tired of measuring the days that have gone by, I’ve honestly lost count. As I write this to you, I never would have thought that the appearance of snow can be this bitter sweet.

It’s finite structure yet intricate detail is slowly starting to replicate your facial features, but as the months go by, my memory is ceasing to form the image I’d want to remember.

If you don’t return, soon all I’ll have left is fragments and I don’t want to spend the rest of the days putting the pieces together, just as the snow when the temperature rises, you’ll soon dissolve, making all that we worked so hard for to be reduced to liquid slowly slipping through my hands.

See the hands of time could never comprehend the moments that were lost, but it’s winter right? I’ll find my comfort in the frost.

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